
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a joyous and prosperous New Year!

From my family to yours.


I won't be able to do a full step-by-step of this year's ornaments before Christmas, so here is a teaser until I can!

They're very sparkly!

In the last minute rush before Christmas, I hope everyone has a chance to pause, take a deep breath and appreciate the many blessings of our lives.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cross linking

I've been working on writing more on Squidoo, and have added a fair number of lenses that are topical to this blog as well.  Here's a list of the various crafting related pages I've got up, as of this date.  I hope you enjoy them, and please feel free to leave any comments, vote on polls, pin them or share them with your friends!

Our 2012 Christmas Tourtiére  - my newest lens.

Hand Made Christmas Traditions - my most popular lens at this time, and winner of Lens of the Day.

Christmas Light Luminaries and Salt Jar Luminaries -  These two are also at the top of the list of my most popular lenses. 

Crochet Covered Christmas Ornaments - another of my most recent lenses.

The Joy of Hooking - this is one of the first lenses I ever made, and still one of my highest ranking lenses.

Twisted Sisters & Company Fibre Mill Tour - this is one that goes back a bit, but has recently seen a surge in popularity.  I have lots of photos and a video of the tour a group of us took of the fibre mill.  If you ever have a chance to visit them in person, I highly recommend it! 

Our Easter Eggs - I would not have expected to see this one climb up the ranks just before Christmas, but for some reason, it has!  I guess people are planning ahead for their Easter crafts already!

Rediscovering Mdm Benoit - does cooking count as crafting?  I think it can!  With 2012 marking the 25th anniversary of Mdm Benoit's death, I was happy to see this one enjoy a leap in popularity towards the end of the year.  More people need to know about Mdm Benoit! ;-)

If you're interested in seeing all my lenses, including the non-crafting ones, this is my Lensmaster Page.

If you are interested in writing for Squidoo (yes, it does pay!), you can join and start right away!  It does take a bit of time and consistent effort, but it has more potential then a lot of other similar sites I've looked at.  It certainly pays more then just blogging! LOL!

2013 Class Schedule

I've submitted my class schedule to the Clareview Michaels I teach at for January - July, 2013.  I'm keeping the same times and days of the week, so it's just the dates that are confirmed.

Class name and date

Single Crochet

     First Friday of the month 
Jan. 4, Mar. 1, May 3,  July 5,

5:30-8:00 pm
Feb., 1, Apr. 5, June 7,

Tall Stitches

     Second Friday of the month
Jan. 11, Mar. 8, May 10, July 12,   

Feb. 8, Apr. 12, June 14,

Textured Stitches

     Third Friday of the month 
Jan. 18, Mar. 15, May 17, July 19,   

Feb. 15, Apr. 19, June 21

Granny Squares

     Fourth Friday of the month
Jan. 25, Mar. 22, May 24, July 26,

Feb. 22, Apr. 26, June 28, 

Hooded blanket

    Second Thursday of the month 
Feb. 14, Apr. 11, June 13,   

Jan. 10, Mar. 14, May 9, July 11,  

Daisy Ring Rattle

    Second Thursday of the month 
Feb. 14, Apr. 11, June 13

Jan. 10, Mar. 14, May 9, July 11,   

Lace Crochet Wrap

     Third Thursday of the month
Feb. 21, Apr. 18,  June 20,

Jan. 17, Mar. 21, May 16, July 18,   

One Piece Granny Throw

     Third Thursday of the month
Feb. 21, Apr. 18, June 20,  

Jan. 17, Mar. 21, May 16, July 18,

Crochet gifts - Totes

     Fourth Thursday of the month
Jan. 24, Mar. 28, May 23,

Feb. 28, Apr. 26, June 27,   

Time for Crochet - open

     Fourth Thursday of the month
Jan. 24, Mar. 28, May 23, July 25,   

Feb. 28, Apr. 26, June 27,

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A handy thing...

So my darling younger daughter is teaching herself to knit.  Well.  I'm quite impressed with how quickly she is picking it up!

After making a quick sample of knit and purl with a cable, she moved on to making a pair of slippers, which my husband now wears.  They are awesome.

Now she has decided to make a phone cozy for her father's phone.  It's going to be a basic rectangle folded in half and the side seams sewn closed.  It's also going to have a cable in the centre.

For those not familiar with doing cables in knit, a group of stitches is taken off the needle and onto a cable stitch holder - a J shaped tool - then the stitches are worked back on again later.  In the process of doing this, my daughter needed to keep her stitch holder handy until needed in the next row.

So she did this.

Yup.  She's using her captured bead earring as a holder for her stitch holder.

What a hoot!  Plus, it works rather well!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Salt Jar Luminaries

This is the project that inspired our Christmas Light Luminaries.  Here is a step-by-step of my older daughter as she made these.

I hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Free pattern now up

Well, I really need to get to bed, but before I do, I have a couple of links to share.

First, I've just posted a new lens on Squidoo with a free pattern for the ornaments I made for the Christmas Market my daughter and I just took part in.

Click here for the pattern.  Permission is given to use the pattern to make and sell these yourself, with credit given to Get Crafting! but not to sell the pattern as your own. 

Though I have written about our tradition of hand made decorations for our tree here before, I've put it all together in another Squidoo lens as well, which you can visit by clicking here.

I still have to make our decorations for this year, too!  I have to finish a custom order first, though, then I will work on them and post a step-by-step when they're done.  Hopefully, I won't be cutting it too close to Christmas day!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Market

All set up for the Sherwood Park Christmas Market.  This is also the debut of Dolph, my new head with neck.  Sadly, my budget did not allow for a torso, but I can fit a light in Dolph! 
Sent from Anna's phone

Monday, December 3, 2012

To Market We Go

Just a head's up for the local folks...

On Dec. 5 from 5-8 pm I will be set up and selling my wares at the Sherwood Park Farmer's Market Christmas Market.  Though I have been setting up with my daughter all summer during Art in the Plaza, this will be the first time I've had my own booth! 

My daughter will also be there, as will Jacquie and Maxine, who were with us for most of the summer at Art in the Plaza.  This being a farmer's market, most of the other vendors will be food related, but there are several vendors of non-edibles present, so it'll be a great time to pick up a few gifts and a wide range of food items (including purr-ogies for cats!) to choose from!

I hope to see you there!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


My daughter recently picked up some shea butter and a new soap mold.  With a bit of ground apricot and scented oil from her last aquisition, and this is the result.
I can grow to like this new hobby of hers.

Sent from Anna's phone